The first eye contact (exterior, window, entrance, interior space) is a crucial phase as it is the moment when your customer evaluates and judges in a few moments what he is observing.
With regard to the shop window, for example, in recent years, it has become increasingly fashionable to expose live the activity of the shop (for example, bakers who prepare bread in order to capture the attention of passers-by).
But there are other good neuromarketing techniques to adopt.
The entrance phase is important because it communicates the identity and atmosphere of the shop.
And the customer will perceive them mainly through the senses, capturing the colors, shapes, sizes and lighting.
The entrance shall be set up as a “decompression space“.
This is because the client has to give the brain time to analyze the new situation that appears in front of him once entered inside.
Remember: the products in the compression area sell less than those displayed in the other areas of the store.